November 2021 KEHA News and Notes
KEHA Dues – Fall is the time for membership drives and collection of dues at the county level. Counties are encouraged to have a dues deadline no later than Dec. 1. Dues payment and the remittance form (KEHA Appendix, page 16) should be mailed to the area and state treasurers by Dec. 15 and are delinquent if not received by Dec. 31. If a county is delinquent, they will not be permitted to have voting delegates and rights to vote at the 2022 state business meeting. As you wrap-up your membership drive, remember that the county with the greatest percentage increase in members will receive the Ms. E. Go traveling award and $300. The county with the greatest increase in number of members will receive the Ms. Way to Go traveling award and $300.
2022 KEHA State Board Elections – Positions to be elected in May 2022 are President, Secretary, 4-H Youth Development Chair, and Management and Safety Chair. All will serve from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025. Job descriptions for these positions are available on the KEHA website in the “State Board” section. Credentials must be sent certified mail and postmarked by April 9, 2022. Watch for additional information in the spring.
2021-2022 KEHA Dates to Remember – This document has been updated to show the revised State Meeting dates (May 10-12, 2022, in Owensboro) and all of the deadlines that correspond (registration deadlines, deadline for state board credentials, etc.). You can find the updated handout on the KEHA website under “Member Resources,” then “2021 Officer Training Materials.”
KEHA Week – Thank you to all who participated locally and via the KEHA Facebook page. We hope you all enjoyed celebrating KEHA’s “adventures.” Kudos to Becky Clay, KEHA Marketing and PR Chair, and Mindy, her advisor, for coordinating materials for the week. If you have feedback, please share.
KEHA State Choir – Love to sing? Join Homemakers from across the state in the KEHA State Choir. The choir sings one time – at State Meeting in May. Send your name, address, e-mail, phone, and $10 to Wendy Hood, 202 Park Avenue, Harrodsburg 40330. You’ll receive a practice CD and information before the meeting. For questions, contact
Dates to Remember
- December 15 – County dues due to the KEHA State Treasurer and Area Treasurer (use remittance form found in the KEHA Manual Appendix page 16). Please send remittance to Harlene Welch, KEHA Treasurer, 207 Fifth Street, Cynthiana, KY 41031.
- December 31 – Dues deadline. Any county that does not submit state dues by this date will not be eligible to vote at the 2022 KEHA Business Meeting.
- December 31 – Deadline date for fundraising-based recognitions (ovarian cancer fundraising, KEHA scholarship contributions, Coins for Change contributions, etc.). Awards will be based upon funds forwarded to the KEHA state treasurer with state dues and noted on the remittance form.
- December 31 – Deadline for submitting the KEHA Membership Recognition Report (KEHA Manual Appendix, page 17).
- May 10-12, 2022 – KEHA State Meeting at Owensboro Convention Center. Room blocks are open for reservations now!