July 2020
KEHA Reports for 2019-2020
With the disruptions to county and area council meetings, club meetings, and overall KEHA operations, an amended process has been established for submission of KEHA reports this year. The goal is to make the process simpler for counties.
For the 2019-2020 year, counties are asked to submit the program of work reports online via web-based surveys. County reports are due by August 15th utilizing the links available on the reports page.
County Volunteer Service Unit summary reports should be submitted via email attachment this year. Please use the Excel files linked on the reports page to create the Individual Hours Summary and/or Club Hours Summary. Save the files with the county name in place of xx and submit via email attachment to kehainfo1@gmail.com. A copy (either printed or electronic) should also be sent to the area president and area leadership chairman for purposes of area level recognitions. These reports are also due by August 15th.
Questions regarding the reporting process can be directed to your Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences or be submitted via email to kehainfo1@gmail.com
COVID 19 Guidance for KEHA Meetings
In early July, KEHA President Karen Hill provided a guidance document related to KEHA meetings during COVID-19. This guidance document is now available in the Quick Links on the KEHA website.
KEHA Officer Training Materials
The Sun Shines Bright will continue as the KEHA theme for 2020-2021. KEHA officer training materials specific to the 2020-2021 KEHA year and connected to the theme are in final development and will be available via the website by July 16th. The resource materials will include a facilitator’s guide, evaluation, graphic, two sets of presentation slides, an installation ceremony and a “dates to remember” handout. Check the KEHA website July 16th to access these resources.
KEHA Club Materials
The 2020-2021 KEHA Recreation, Inspiration and Book List are now available at www.keha.org under the Member Resources tab in the top menu. Each county will receive printed copies of the Recreation, Inspiration, and Book List for each club in late July.
KEHA Manual Updates
The KEHA Manual has been updated in its entirety and posted to www.keha.org. Click the Member Resources tab in the top menu to access the KEHA Manual page. On this page, you will find links to the Handbook section, Appendix section, and Organizational Guide. Two printed copies of the Handbook and Appendix will be mailed to each county Extension office. The Organizational Guide is available online only. The individual web pages for the KEHA Educational Chairmen have also been updated and provide access to the most current Handbook and Appendix pages relative to the specific chairmanship. Please be sure you utilize the updated Manual, with all pages dated June 2020 or July 2020 in the lower right corner.
Dates to Remember
- August 15 – County Program of Work Reports and Volunteer Service Unit Reports due as noted in this News & Notes.