2025 State Board Elections
A total of three positions will be elected in May 2025. Credentials must be sent certified mail and postmarked by April 5, 2025.
The following KEHA state officer and chair positions are open for election:
- Secretary
- Management and Safety Chair
- 4-H Youth Development Chair
Each will be elected for a three-year term from July 1, 2025, to June 30, 2028. Qualifications for nominees are listed on page 12 of the Handbook. The position descriptions can be found on the State Board section of the KEHA website. Credentials forms can be found in the Appendix, pages 6-9, or use the fillable PDF forms linked below. Qualified candidates should apply!
State Chairman Nomination Form
In addition, the incoming KEHA President will appoint a KEHA Parliamentarian after review and approval by the Executive committee, as directed by the state bylaws. The parliamentarian shall serve the same tenure as the President. According to the Standing Rules (Handbook page 25), the parliamentarian must have general knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, will attend meetings such as state board meetings and Executive Committee meetings, and will serve as an ex-officio member of the bylaws committee. The position description can be found on the State Board section of the KEHA website. Those interested should write to President-Elect Henrietta Sheffel at hsheffel@gmail.com to express interest and include qualifications.